That old wound, of just wanting to be wanted and loved screamed in my face, that awkward shy little girl within beating her fists of fury against my shattered heart.

I couldn’t protect her from this. We had to walk into the fire of initiation, allowing ourselves to be burnt to dust.

From the ashes we stumbled out, our eyes bluer with the light of my cosmic self, with the fragments of dismantled consciousness grids in our hands.

Dismantled slavery consciousness.
Dismantled victim consciousness.
Dismantled poverty consciousness.

And there we were, locked and loaded in our sovereign power grid. Being unfuckable with.

And finally, FINALLY, through every cell of my being, every stardust in my bones, every strand of DNA, I had found that love, acceptance, wanting, protection and safety within myself.

Last night I went deep into reflection of my journey throughout my life, dropping in and giving all of those old versions of me the love, acceptance, safety, and protection that I was craving during those times.

And giving my thanks, to all of those initiations that I walked through to expand my consciousness to who I am today.

As we step into this portal of energy of 2020, anchoring in our god-selves, being our most powerful, sovereign selves, all of the initiations you walked through come together to SERVE who you are becoming.

Call in all aspects of yourself and give her your love, healing, and gratitude, because she went through a fucking lot to get you to where you are today. Celebrate her.

Photography by Inés Montufo

PS for the full story behind this, you are welcome to join the Sacred She Pack Fbook group where I go much more intimate with my journey. 

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